Sunday 26 February 2012

The African Renaissance

The wind of change sweeping across Africa marks the beginning of a new era, the rebirth of Africa, the African Renaissance. Italy became the first state to taste the change of times in the 14th century and the renaissance spread across Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries.
The general feeling among Africans is one of transforming or changing autocratic-rule to democratic-rule, iron-fisted rule to liberal-rule, to quench the need for a people-oriented government that is meant to cater for all. A government of, for and by the people is the call by all in the 21st generation era and the eruptions of the uprisings in Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia speak volumes of the desire of the modern generation to upstage cannibalistic, animalistic old regimes which thrive on silencing the voice of the people using brutal and brutish forces against innocent and unarmed civilians.
The rebirth of Africa, the African Renaissance, could not have come at a better time than 2011, in the 21st Century, whose desire is to restore the rule of law, respect human rights, safeguard the safety and security of its people, liberalize and democratize the economy, among other reforms.
It is out of these needs that any forces that live in the past, in the dark past, will be caught napping and will try to subvert the will of the people to no avail. The will of the people, the people’s revolution is unstoppable and it will not stop until all regimes are either changed or removed.
It will not stop until all autocrats, despots are usurped. It will not stop when Arab dictators are toppled, but the winds of change will sweep down Africa to Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. The African Renaissance will reshape, remap, refine, redefine Africa until it conforms to the dictates of civility and nothing; nobody will stop the rebirth, the dawn of a new age – The African Renaissance.

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