Tuesday 21 August 2012

Professions going down in the drain in SA, report.

The grass is never green on the other side, or so they say. This was tagged in an exclusive report produced by the Bevimark Professional Services group of companies. In an interview with the Group Chief Executive Officer of Bevimark Professional Services (BPS), Mr Benard Makanyise, he reiterated the dire need to reverse the unfortunate scenario where many professionals left the country to purportedly seek for better employment opportunities in the Diaspora where, unfortunately, things turned out ugly in the hands of the locals accusing them of many things including but not limited to: stealing their jobs, taking their women, doing businesses at the expense of the local people.
Many professionals had left their home country, Zimbabwe, out of the need to bring something on the table after having gone to colleges and universities and after failing to get ‘good jobs’, but desperation in a foreign land have forced a lot of them to take any job just to survive. Who says a doctor cannot clean people’s houses, an accountant has no qualification of a gardener, a nurse can’t be a baby-sitter or a teacher can’t be a vendor? South Africa is one of many countries that have the highest number of refugees with many Zimbabwean graduates being absorbed in its mainstream economy, albeit in abject positions, and UK being the second in number in terms of Zimbabwe Asylum Seekers.
In a recent New Age SABC2 Broadcast, the Minister of Home Affairs, (who is now the new AU Chair) Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma admitted that many asylum seekers in SA do not really qualify to be asylum seekers, but mere economic vagrants wanting to get something to feed their families back home.
But for how long will this scenario last especially since many Zimbabweans got regularised during the Zimbabwe Dispensation Project? Are they going to continue ignoring the call to quit these menial jobs and go back home and rebuild their country in more decent professions?
It calls for those professionals to revisit the desire to be real professionals and to be patriotic – only then can they go back home and reclaim their positions in the land of their mothers! With a clear understanding and experience that there is no place better than home, these people must just pack their bags and come back home sooner rather than later.

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